Gfarm 2.7.17をリリース


* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.7.17
* Gfarm2fs version 1.2.14
* Gfarm Zabbixプラグイン version 4.2



メタデータサーバ gfmd を起動する前に以下のように設定を更新する必要があ

# config-gfarm-update –update

Release note for Gfarm 2.7.17


Update note
* this release requires config-gfarm-update –update

New feature
* libgfarm – Multithread safe. For details, see lib/libgfarm/README.MT-safe
* Gfarm read only file system – gfstatus -Mm ‘read_only enable’
* pkg-config support

New configuration file
* gfmd.failover.conf – this configuration file will be read at
failover, which is mainly used by Gfarm-zabbix failover mechanism to
make Gfarm read only when gfmd is failed over but it may be stale.
This file is created by config-gfarm or config-gfarm-update –update.

New configuration directive
* read_only – read only file system
* spool_server_read_only_interval – if there are files still opened
and modified when Gfarm is changed to a read only file system, these
files cannot be closed until Gfarm is changed to a read-write file
system. This directive specifies the interval in second for gfsd to
check the status change.
* include – includes a configuration file
* include_nesting_limit – limits the nesting level of include files
* failover_notify_delay – delay to notify failover to gfsd servers

* document for Gfarm encrypted file system using EncFS

Updated feature
* gfarmbb – -mpi and -conf options to set up Gfarm/BB using mpirun
* gfmv – allow gfmv between different directory quota setting [#1081]
* gfkey – -V option to display version information
* gfstatus – auth directive can be dynamically updated
* config-gfarm-update – error check
* gfsd – display gfsd type in command line field of ps(1) [#1100]
* gfmd – record gfmd config changes in log [#1097]
* gfmd – -u option to specify file name of gfmd.failover.conf
* gfmd – automatic quota check again, which makes gfquotacheck unnecessary
* libgfarm – support GFARM_FILE_UNBUFFERED in open flag
* FTBFS on GNU Hurd [#805]

Bug fix
* removing user may crash gfmd at restart when using directory quota
* fix segfault when calling gfarm_initialize after gfarm_terminate if
log_file directive is used
* when gfmd is failovered, quota is not correct [#1101]

Release note for Gfarm2fs 1.2.14


Updated feature
* gfarm2fs – multithread safe. For backward compatibility use -s
* mount.hpci – accept sharedsecret authentication
* mount.hpci – mount in /tmp when /gfarm mount directory is not

Release note for Gfarm Zabbix plugin 4.2


New feature
* add new setting ‘POSTGRES_PID_FILE’ in install.conf,
pathname of PID file for the PostgreSQL daemon.
[GitHub oss-tsukuba/gfarm-zabbix#1]
* make failover script utilize the gfmd read_only feature since gfarm-2.7.17.
this adds the following configuration directives to gfarm_gfmd_failover.conf:
– ‘read_only_failover_config’ specifies the setting which will be written
to gfmd.failover.agent.conf when split brain may happen.
– ‘read_write_failover_config’ specifies the setting which will be written
to gfmd.failover.agent.conf when split brain must not happen.
– ‘allow_inconsistency’ – if this is ‘true’ and failover_type is
‘availability, failover is allowed even if there is newer metadata in
some metadata servers which are down. the read_only_failover_config
setting will be written to gfmd.failover.config before the failover.
– ‘gfmd_failover_agent_conf_file’ – pathname of gfmd.failover.agent.conf
[GitHub oss-tsukuba/gfarm-zabbix#2]