[GFARM LOGO] documents > User's Manual > Directory Quota

Directory Quota

English | Japanese

This document describes the directory quota of the Gfarm file system.




Create two dirsets named dirset-a and dirset-b, and limit total capacity of dirset-a to 1GiB, and dirset-b to 2GiB.
$ gfdirquota -c dirset-a dirset-b
$ gfedquota -D dirset-a -h 1073741824
$ gfedquota -D dirset-b -h 2147483648
Add a directory /home/john-smith/dir-a to the dirset-a, and two directories named /home/john-smith/dir-b1 and /home/john-smith/dir-b2 to the dirset-b.
$ gfdirquota -a dirset-a /home/john-smith/dir-a
$ gfdirquota -a dirset-b /home/john-smith/dir-b1 /home/john-smith/dir-b2
Confirm the settings above.
$ gfdirquota
% gfdirquota -l

$ gfquota -D dirset-a
UserName                 :             john-smith
DirsetName               :               dirset-a
GracePeriod              :               disabled
FileSpace                :                      0
FileSpaceGracePeriod     :               disabled
FileSpaceSoftLimit       :               disabled
FileSpaceHardLimit       :             1073741824
FileNum                  :                      0
FileNumGracePeriod       :               disabled
FileNumSoftLimit         :               disabled
FileNumHardLimit         :               disabled
PhysicalSpace            :                      0
PhysicalSpaceGracePeriod :               disabled
PhysicalSpaceSoftLimit   :               disabled
PhysicalSpaceHardLimit   :               disabled
PhysicalNum              :                      0
PhysicalNumGracePeriod   :               disabled
PhysicalNumSoftLimit     :               disabled
PhysicalNumHardLimit     :               disabled
$ gfquota -D dirset-b
UserName                 :             john-smith
DirsetName               :               dirset-b
GracePeriod              :               disabled
FileSpace                :                  49417
FileSpaceGracePeriod     :               disabled
FileSpaceSoftLimit       :               disabled
FileSpaceHardLimit       :             2147483648
FileNum                  :                     72
FileNumGracePeriod       :               disabled
FileNumSoftLimit         :               disabled
FileNumHardLimit         :               disabled
PhysicalSpace            :                  98834
PhysicalSpaceGracePeriod :               disabled
PhysicalSpaceSoftLimit   :               disabled
PhysicalSpaceHardLimit   :               disabled
PhysicalNum              :                    144
PhysicalNumGracePeriod   :               disabled
PhysicalNumSoftLimit     :               disabled
PhysicalNumHardLimit     :               disabled
You can use a directory name instead of a dirset name by using the -d option to see the quota limits and current amounts of use.
With -D option, only the owner of the dirset can see the quota limits.
With -d option, users who can write the directory can see them.
$ gfquota -d /home/john-smith/dir-b1
Pathname                 : gfarm://metadata-server:601/home/john-smith/dir-b1
UserName                 :             john-smith
DirsetName               :               dirset-b
GracePeriod              :               disabled
FileSpace                :                  49417
FileSpaceGracePeriod     :               disabled
FileSpaceSoftLimit       :               disabled
FileSpaceHardLimit       :             2147483648
FileNum                  :                     72
FileNumGracePeriod       :               disabled
FileNumSoftLimit         :               disabled
FileNumHardLimit         :               disabled
PhysicalSpace            :                  98834
PhysicalSpaceGracePeriod :               disabled
PhysicalSpaceSoftLimit   :               disabled
PhysicalSpaceHardLimit   :               disabled
PhysicalNum              :                    144
PhysicalNumGracePeriod   :               disabled
PhysicalNumSoftLimit     :               disabled
PhysicalNumHardLimit     :               disabled
If capacity recalculation is currently ongoing, and the current amounts of use is not accurate, the gfquota(1) command shows the following warning.
warning: quota usage is inaccurate
To remove a directory /home/john-smith/dir-b2 from the dirset-b, you have to remove the directory.
$ gfdirquota -l dirset-b
$ gfrmdir /home/john-smith/dir-b2
$ gfdirquota -l dirset-b
If you do not have the gfarmroot group privilege, directory movement between different dirsets fails as follows.
$ mkdir dir-a/dir
$ mv dir-a/dir dir-b1/
mv: cannot move `dir-a/dir' to `dir-b1/dir': Operation not supported
If you do not have the gfarmroot group privilege, adding non-empty directory to a dirset fails as follows.
$ gfmkdir -p /home/john-smith/dir-b3/dir
$ gfdirquota -a dirset-b /home/john-smith/dir-b3
gfarm://metadata-server:601/home/john-smith/dir-b3: directory not empty

directory_quota_rename_error_exdev option of gfarm2fs

If -o directory_quota_rename_error_exdev is specified as an option of the gfarm2fs(1) command, even normal user can move a directory between different dirsets by using the mv(1) command,

But the movement may be extremely slow, because the mv(1) command uses recursive file copy and recursive removal of the source directory tree to do this, and that means every file contents under the directory is copied from file system nodes to the client, and copied back from the client to file system nodes. And because of the behavior, some files and directories may not be moved, if you don't have enough access permission. Also, if there are files or directories which are not owned by you, the owner information will be lost.

Thus, it's not recommended to use the directory_quota_rename_error_exdev option in general. Rather, it's recommended to create same directory structure to the destination side, and use mv(1) command against files instead of the directory. Using mv(1) command against files is faster, because it only changes metadata, and no data copy happens.


gfdirquota(1), gfedquota(1), gfquota(1), gfarm2.conf(5)
Gfarm File System <gfarmfs at gmail.com>