
gfjournal — display status of a journal file


gfjournal [options] journal-file


gfjournal reads a journal file and outputs status report about the file to standard out. By default, it outputs the status summary of the journal file, like this:

records  seqnum(min/max)          record length(min/max/ave)
     30           2/          31          24/    120/     37

With '-l' option, gfjournal also outputs all records in the journal file:

seqnum    operation        length  argument
        2 BEGIN                 24
        3 MDHOST_ADD            56
        4 END                   24
        5 BEGIN                 24
        6 USER_ADD              68 username=gfarmadm
        7 END                   24
records  seqnum(min/max)          record length(min/max/ave)
     30             2/        31          24/    120/     37



Set log level to 'debug'.


Displays a list of command options.


Equivalent to -h.


List all records in the journal file.


Display the maximum sequence number only.


Do not display status summary or a header line for a list of records. This option is effective only when it is specified with -l option.


Prints verbose messages.