Gfarm 2.7.3 released

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the release of

* Gfarm file system version 2.7.3
* Gfarm file system version 2.6.18
* Gfarm Zabbix plugin version 4.0.1

This Gfarm release includes destination schedule update of gfpcopy to
mitigate destination conflicts, and other useful updates and bug fixes.

Gfarm Zabbix plugin fixes Zabbix-1.8 issue with Template OS Linux, and
useful updates.

We recommend for all users to upgrade to this version.

Release note for Gfarm 2.7.3


Update feature
* gfprep, gfpcopy – a new scheduling to mitigate destination conflict
under concurrent gfprep and gfpcopy executions
* start replica check when a busy host becomes idle

New configuration directive
* metadb_server_remover_queue_length – queue length for remove
requests to make it a low priority not to prevent from replication

Bug fix
* gfmd may not respond when sending journal logs to async slaves
* write only files may not be moved to lost+found
* Gfarm RPM packages cannot be installed on RHEL7 or CentOS7

Release note for Gfarm 2.6.18


Update feature
* gfprep, gfpcopy – a new scheduling to mitigate destination conflict
under concurrent gfprep and gfpcopy executions
* start replica check when a busy host becomes idle

Bug fix
* gfmd may not respond when sending journal logs to async slaves
* write only files may not be moved to lost+found
* Gfarm RPM packages cannot be installed on RHEL7 or CentOS7

Release note for Gfarm Zabbix plugin 4.0.1


Updated feature
* ZABBIX_PREFIX in install.conf used as the Zabbix installation path

Bug fix
* gfarm_zabbix _alt templates do not work with zabbix-1.8