カテゴリー別アーカイブ: ニュース

Gfarm version 2.7.21とNextcloud-Gfarm 1.0.2をリリース


* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.7.21
* Gfarm2fs version 1.2.17
* Nextcloud-Gfarm version 1.0.2



Nextcloud-Gfarm は、正式な Nextcloud コンテナをベースに
Gfarm を外部ストレージとしてアクセスすることを可能とするコン

筑波大学計算科学研究センターでは Nextcloud-Gfarm を用いて、
スパコンのデータおよびHPCI 共用ストレージのアクセスを実現して

また Gfarm については、gfptar コマンドが追加されました。
大量のスモールファイルを Gfarm に保存することが容易になります。


Release note for Gfarm 2.7.21


New command
* gfptar – parallel tar command

Updated feature
* gfpcopy – select from all available hosts if all hosts in
write_target_domain are readonly
* config-gfarm – support PostgreSQL 14 or later
* config-gfarm – sanity check for metadata admin user

Bug fix
* gfhost – fix segfault when executing gfhost -H host
* config-gfarm, config-gfsd – fix DEBUG=true does not work
* gfmd – fix race condition in metadata server management
* gfmd – fix error message in replication [#1137]

Release note for Gfarm2fs 1.2.17


Updated feature
* support subuid/subgid in default setting

Bug fix
* fix segafault in case of long subdir name

Release note for Nextcloud-Gfarm 1.0.2


Updated feature
* update README.md
* make Gfarm access robust

Release note for Nextcloud-Gfarm 1.0.1


Updated feature
* support Gfarm 2.7.21 or later

Release note for Nextcloud-Gfarm 1.0.0


This is a Nextcloud container with Gfarm backend storage, which
extends the official Nextcloud container image. It includes an
external storage app for Gfarm that enables access to Gfarm file

Gfarm version 2.7.20をリリース


* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.7.20
* Gfarm2fs version 1.2.16
* Gfarm Zabbix plugin version 4.3





Release note for Gfarm 2.7.20


Updated feature
* support ARM platform
* gfpcopy – select from all available hosts if no host available in write_target_domain

Release note for Gfarm2fs 1.2.16


Updated feature
* improve access performance
* umount.hpci – default directory is changed to /tmp

Release note for Gfarm Zabbix plugin 4.3


New feature
* support Zabbix 5.0 LTS on CentOS 7

Updated feature
* default value of read_write_failover_config is changed from ”
to ‘read_only disable’. As the result, if newest metadata is availabe
in a slave gfmd, the filesystem will become writable by default
after failover.

Gfarm 2.7.18をリリース


* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.7.18
* Gfarm2fs version 1.2.15





Release note for Gfarm 2.7.18


New configuration directive
* network_send_timeout – timeout to send data. Default is 0 that
means no timeout

Updated feature
* gfprep – -m option works even when the destination already stores
the file replica [#1111]
* gfsetfacl and gfgetfacl – -R option to recursively change ACLs
* gfmd – improves startup time

Bug fix
* gfarm2fs fails due to race condition to connect gfmd, introduced by
the version 2.7.17
* gfprep – -M option may exit before the limit [#1112]
* gfmd may crash when a parent directory has default ACL [#1108]

Release note for Gfarm2fs 1.2.15


Updated feature
* suppress too much logs of gfs_lremovexattr
* mount.hpci – accept mount options

Bug fix
* unexpected file size after write close when mounting in multithread
mode [#9]
* mount.gfarm2fs – fix proxy update in automount case

Gfarm 2.7.17をリリース


* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.7.17
* Gfarm2fs version 1.2.14
* Gfarm Zabbixプラグイン version 4.2




メタデータサーバ gfmd を起動する前に以下のように設定を更新する必要があ

# config-gfarm-update –update

Release note for Gfarm 2.7.17


Update note
* this release requires config-gfarm-update –update

New feature
* libgfarm – Multithread safe. For details, see lib/libgfarm/README.MT-safe
* Gfarm read only file system – gfstatus -Mm ‘read_only enable’
* pkg-config support

New configuration file
* gfmd.failover.conf – this configuration file will be read at
failover, which is mainly used by Gfarm-zabbix failover mechanism to
make Gfarm read only when gfmd is failed over but it may be stale.
This file is created by config-gfarm or config-gfarm-update –update.

New configuration directive
* read_only – read only file system
* spool_server_read_only_interval – if there are files still opened
and modified when Gfarm is changed to a read only file system, these
files cannot be closed until Gfarm is changed to a read-write file
system. This directive specifies the interval in second for gfsd to
check the status change.
* include – includes a configuration file
* include_nesting_limit – limits the nesting level of include files
* failover_notify_delay – delay to notify failover to gfsd servers

* document for Gfarm encrypted file system using EncFS

Updated feature
* gfarmbb – -mpi and -conf options to set up Gfarm/BB using mpirun
* gfmv – allow gfmv between different directory quota setting [#1081]
* gfkey – -V option to display version information
* gfstatus – auth directive can be dynamically updated
* config-gfarm-update – error check
* gfsd – display gfsd type in command line field of ps(1) [#1100]
* gfmd – record gfmd config changes in log [#1097]
* gfmd – -u option to specify file name of gfmd.failover.conf
* gfmd – automatic quota check again, which makes gfquotacheck unnecessary
* libgfarm – support GFARM_FILE_UNBUFFERED in open flag
* FTBFS on GNU Hurd [#805]

Bug fix
* removing user may crash gfmd at restart when using directory quota
* fix segfault when calling gfarm_initialize after gfarm_terminate if
log_file directive is used
* when gfmd is failovered, quota is not correct [#1101]

Release note for Gfarm2fs 1.2.14


Updated feature
* gfarm2fs – multithread safe. For backward compatibility use -s
* mount.hpci – accept sharedsecret authentication
* mount.hpci – mount in /tmp when /gfarm mount directory is not

Release note for Gfarm Zabbix plugin 4.2


New feature
* add new setting ‘POSTGRES_PID_FILE’ in install.conf,
pathname of PID file for the PostgreSQL daemon.
[GitHub oss-tsukuba/gfarm-zabbix#1]
* make failover script utilize the gfmd read_only feature since gfarm-2.7.17.
this adds the following configuration directives to gfarm_gfmd_failover.conf:
– ‘read_only_failover_config’ specifies the setting which will be written
to gfmd.failover.agent.conf when split brain may happen.
– ‘read_write_failover_config’ specifies the setting which will be written
to gfmd.failover.agent.conf when split brain must not happen.
– ‘allow_inconsistency’ – if this is ‘true’ and failover_type is
‘availability, failover is allowed even if there is newer metadata in
some metadata servers which are down. the read_only_failover_config
setting will be written to gfmd.failover.config before the failover.
– ‘gfmd_failover_agent_conf_file’ – pathname of gfmd.failover.agent.conf
[GitHub oss-tsukuba/gfarm-zabbix#2]

githubへの移行とGfarm 2.7.16のリリース


Gfarmのソースレポジトリを Github に移行しました。


今後は Github をご利用ください。また、

* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.7.16





Release note for Gfarm 2.7.16


Updated feature
* reduce logs when files on a readonly gfsd are removed

Gfarm 2.7.15をリリース


* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.7.15





Release note for Gfarm 2.7.15


New configuration directive
* rdma_gid_index – specify the gid index to use GRH

Updated feature
* gfarmbb – status command to check process, network and directory
status for Gfarm/BB

Bug fix
* Remote write may fail due to completion error when using InfiniBand

Gfarm 2.7.14をリリース


* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.7.14
* Gfarmファイルシステム version 2.6.29
* Gfarm2fs version 1.2.13
* Gfarm zabbix プラグイン version 4.1



Gfarm 2.7.14 では、計算ノードのローカルNVMe SSDを有効的に利用
Gfarm/BB が利用可能となりました。


Release note for Gfarm 2.7.14


New command
* gfarmbb – start and stop scripts for Gfarm/BB node-local on-demand
file system

New configuration directive
* log_file – specify a log file
* quota_check_retry_interval, directory_quota_check_retry_interval –
specifies the interval to re-calculate the quota. This is
introduced to make replica check progress. Default is 60 seconds.
* schedule_rpc_timeout – specifies the timeout for RPC.

Updated feature
* gfmd, gfsd – -F option to specify a log file

Bug fix
* gfquotacheck – may fail due to timeout
* libgfarm – too high CPU load may cause gfsd protocol mismatch
* gfsd – fix race condition to terminate that may fail to record the
write verify information

Release note for Gfarm 2.6.29


New configuration directive
* quota_check_retry_interval – specifies the interval to re-calculate
the quota. This is introduced to make replica check progress.
Default is 60 seconds.
* schedule_rpc_timeout – specifies the timeout for RPC.

Bug fix
* gfquotacheck – may fail due to timeout
* libgfarm – too high CPU load may cause gfsd protocol mismatch
* gfsd – fix race condition to terminate that may fail to record the
write verify information

Release note for Gfarm2fs 1.2.13


Updated feature
* mount.hpci – more moderate error message

Bug fix
* umount.gfarm2fs – a mount point not mounted by gfarm2fs may be

Release note for Gfarm Zabbix plugin 4.1


New feature
* rename existing “PostgreSQL server is not running” trigger to
“PostgreSQL server access is timed out”, because this may be triggerd
by slow response of the PostgreSQL daemon.
add new “PostgreSQL server is not running” trigger which checks
existence of the PostgreSQL daemon process.
NOTE: this requires update of /etc/sudoers and new configuration
parameters in install.conf. [SF.net #999]
* add new directive ‘failover_type’. if this value is ‘availability’,
failover script performs promotion even if a sequence number of
gfmd journal file on a metadata server cannot be acquired.
see zabbix_install_manual for detail.
default failover_type is consistency. [SF.net #1071]

Bug fix
* if sshd on a metadata server is down (but the host itself is up),
failover script incorrectly performs promotion [SF.net #1070]
* the meaning of ‘log_to_syslog’ setting in failover script
had been incorrectly reversed since gfarm_zabbix-2.2.0 [SF.net #1077]
* permissible time difference in Template Gfarm linux is changed
from 5 minutes to 30 seconds [SF.net #1078]